Favorite TV characters

Favorite TV characters (in no particular order)

Dwight Schrute
Dexter Morgan
Eric Cartman
Joey Tribbiani
Homer Simpson
Michael Weston
Benjamin Linus

Lessons of life

One of the things I have observed over the years is that, just like how a chess match can be decided based on one bad move, decisions made in our lives, can never be taken back. So naturally I make it a point to think long and hard before deciding something difficult. Some may point out that it is common sense, but whatever the real reason may be, I tend to make decisions after weighing the pros and cons compounded with statistical analysis.

Sometimes one has to put aside their 'Sci-ency' brain and make decisions emotionally. No matter what the numbers may suggest or no matter how illogical it may seem, some decision are best taken with the heart. May God give us the wisdom and strength to choose the right path that leads to happiness.

Random Musings

1. when the entire web-page reloads instead of just the frame reload during a picture slideshow
2. senseless spamming in internet message boards
3. ads on tv during games/shows
4. when I procrastinate
5. Monday mornings

1. statistical analysis in sports
2. seeded black grapes
3. beaches
4. reading
5. music

Warner could play forever

We saw the best quarterback duel ever played in the history of the NFL. Warner was flawless, and Rodgers just a shade less. He did great but it started too late. The first quarter is the true reason the Packers lost.

Kurt Warner is a machine come playoff time. Look at all the records broken yesterday. Both offenses played amazing, calls went both ways and neither defense really showed up. It's a great day to be a Cardinals fan.

GB should be glad they have a good QB to replace Favre. My fear is that, Rodgers is going to be the best QB in the NFL in about 4 years and with the impending departures of Warner and Favre, Cards and Vikings would obviously become lesser teams in comparison. Some teams go a decade or longer looking for a replacement. I wonder if that would really be the case?

On a side note, Neil Rackers would be the most relieved to see the match end in our favor, after having missed the FG that would have ended the match before it went to OT.

Good Luck to Kurt Warner and the Cardinals in the Playoffs!

Places I've Visited

Newton's third law

"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

  • You bomb my country, I will make sure you do not enter it.
  • You attack people from my country, I will make sure no one visits your country.
  • You are in a financial hell hole, I will make sure no one visits your country for establishing their career.

No prizes for guessing the right answers :)

First point being self explanatory, the second one refers to the 46% drop in Indian students' applications to Australia and the third being 25% drop in US F1 visa applications from India.

Blatant ethnic and religious profiling

After the foiled Christmas eve terror attack, the US authorities have now introduced full body scanners and blatant ethnic and religious profiling. The new security measures would now hamper US President Barack Obama's efforts to bring the US closer to the Muslim world.

Apparently plastics, chemicals or liquids cannot be detected by the previous scanners/pat-downs used at airports. Body scanners use  'Backscatter X-ray' i.e. 'millimeter wave' technology and are a little too detailed for some people's comfort. Principle behind these scanners: If a material (such as clothes) has low density the millimetre waves pass through the object and it is not shown on screen. Whereas, high density materials (guns, plastic explosive, metal knives) reflect the millimetre waves and leave an image of the object on screen.

Needless to say, the Muslim nations will not take this ethnic and religious profiling lightly.

“This kind of policy is ineffective, counterproductive and it stigmatizes Muslims in America and all over the world.” - (Council on American-Islamic Relations) CAIR’s National Communications Director, Ibrahim Hooper.

I don't see any problem with the profiling. Its simple math. Most of the incursions have been done my Muslims. Instead of alienating people of a particular race/religion everyone is penalized for now; and they should be because national security is no joke. I would rather go through the hassle of a body scanner and have piece of mind than find out later that someone who wasn't checked properly is a threat to my existence.

The travelers would want to get the scanner software updated so as to protect their privacy. Each scanners is said to cost about $200k, and updating the software shouldn't be that big a deal. Again, when it comes to security yet another sacrifice does no harm. 

This reminds me of a dialogue from the latest Harold and Kumar movie -

Kumar Patel: So just because of the color of my skin you assume that I have drugs on me? Are you a racist? 
Light-Skinned Black Security: Racist? Dude, I'm black!
Harold Lee: He's black! He's not racist!
Kumar Patel: [laughing] Please, dude. You're barely even brown.

Milo.com - a new local shopping site

Milo.com, a site where shoppers can search for products that are on the shelves of local stores has some pretty cool features.

The layout is very simple and user friendly. A good search website must emphasize on more than one way to obtain what the user is looking for. There are several ways to find products.

1. use the search box for specific items & location.

2. browse through menu tabs located just below the search boxes.

3. scroll through suggested items categorized into Family/Kids/Her/Him

If you are still unable to decide upon a gift then you could sift through the website's Product Category database/by stores/by location. For the more fashion conscious there are Popular items links too!

Moving on to the actual search results. It does a 'real-time inventory check' based on filters such as availability/Brand/Price/Local Stores/Ratings.

The slider bar for price range caught my attention immediately. I use Google Shopping most often to search for products and its refreshing to find a competitor in the local scheme of things.

Google announced it will start including local store inventories in Google Product Search. The founder and chief executive Jack Abraham noted that Milo.com has a two-year head start, with 30 retailers on-board compared to the two Google has announced, and he said, “It’s pretty complex to add each retailer.” Google also tends to get beaten when it competes on specialized searches, he said, such as when it went head-to-head against YouTube, Yelp, and Kayak.

I would give 9/10 on user interface and 9/10 on search options. I couldn't find many smaller businesses listed, whereas most big shops were present in the search filters. To sum up the site is impressive and I'm sure I would use it the next time I do an online purchase.